Together we are stronger and wiser: linking national and local level sustainability reporting (VNR & VLR)

Julkaisuajankohta 21.5.2021 0.00 | Julkaistu suomeksi 24.2.2022 klo 10.38

Warmly welcome to the Nordic workshop on Voluntary National Review and Voluntary Local Review (VLR-VNR) on May 27th!

Nordic Workshop, 27 May 2021, 14.00 to 16.30 hrs (Finnish time, UTC +3)
The workshop will be held online in English.

Warmly welcome to the Nordic workshop on Voluntary National Review and Voluntary Local Review (VLR-VNR)!

The goal of the workshop is to exchange experiences between Nordic colleagues on VLRs and linking them with the cities’ strategy and broader development as well as discuss how can we develop country- and city-level monitoring in order to strengthen mutual support. The workshop is aimed at people working with monitoring sustainability on national or local level. Please find the programme draft below.

Please register by May 25th. The meeting link as well as the updated programme will be e-mailed to you on the previous day.


  • Opening of the workshop. Virve Hokkanen, Director of the Sustainable City Programme, Ministry of the Environment Finland
  • Global experiences and UN-Habitat’s guidelines on linking National and Local Reviews in the Implementation of Agenda 2030. Dr. Shipra Narang Suri, Chief, Urban Practices Branch, UN-Habitat
  • Nordic Countries Presentations on VNRs and their linkage to VLRs
  • Cities’ Experiences with VLRs: Panel discussion with cases from the Nordic countries. (Cases TBA)
  • Break (10 min.)
  • Simultaneous Working Groups on two topics:
    • What are the pros and cons of VLRs for cities? How does one link VLRs with the cities’ strategy and broader development?
    • How can we develop country- and city-level monitoring in order to strengthen mutual support?
  • Results of the Working Groups
  • Comment: Sami Pirkkala, Secretary General, National Commission of Sustainable Development, Prime Minister’s Office
  • Closing of the Workshop


The workshop is organized by the Sustainable City programme, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment, in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s office. The Sustainable City programme aims to accelerate the sustainable development of cities and municipalities in cooperation with ministries, municipal authorities and other parties interested in sustainable development. Prime Minister’s office coordinates Finland’s national sustainability work. During the Finnish presidency in the Nordic Council of Minister’s, Finland aims to deepen cooperation between various sectors of society in their sustainable development work in order to reach the Nordic Vision2030.

For more information on the workshop, please contact:

Iina Heikkilä (Specialist, Sustainable City Programme)
[email protected], tel. +358-295 250 448