Kuopio pilot uses a mobile game for environmental education

Kuopiossa vuonna 2018 kehitetty asukkaiden lajitteluintoa parantanut mobiilipeli jalostetaan Kestävä kaupunki –ohjelman kokeilussa kouluille. Lajitteluun kannustavasta pelistä kehitetään ala- ja yläkouluille sopiva versio, joka herättää myös miettimään omia kulutusvalintoja sekä antaa monipuolisesti tietoa kestävän kuluttamisen ratkaisuista.
A mobile game developed in Kuopio in 2018 to improve residents’ motivation to sort their waste is now being tailored for schools in a Sustainable Cities pilot programme. The new version of the waste-sorting game, which is being developed for pupils in grades 1–6 and 7–9, also inspires players to think about their consumer choices and offers a variety of information about sustainable consumption solutions.
The pilot aims to create new tools for environmental education and study how games can be used to influence people’s attitudes, consumption choices and sharing of information. The objective is to develop a new and exciting game that can be used throughout Finland.
The municipally owned waste management company Jätekukko Oy has adopted schools where it will arrange environmental education. The pupils at the adopted schools will be the first to try out and help develop the Recycling Fox (Ketun kierrätys) mobile game.
The game’s development began in May 2019 and the school pilot will be carried out this autumn. The total budget for the pilot is EUR 5,000, which includes EUR 3,000 in support from the Ministry of the Environment’s Sustainable Cities programme. The pilot is being carried out in cooperation with the City of Kuopio, Jätekukko Oy and Rx3 Studio Oy and the schools adopted by Jätekukko.
Contact person:
Minna Kuuluvainen, Environmental Specialist, tel. +358 44 718 2148, [email protected]
City of Kuopio, Regional Environmental Protection Services