• Low-carbon cities
  • Smart cities
  • pilots for sustainable urban development

Sustainable station areas: Climate-smart area tool

Ilmastoviisas alue -kortit juna-asemamaiseman päällä. Kuva: Jenni-Justiina Niemi, HSY

The experiment produced a tool for planning climate-start station areas to assist urban planning The tool is based on the Low Carbon District concept developed in the EU-funded SMART-MR project. The concept consists of four areas: Land use, housing, mobility, and services and livelihoods.


  • The project created a user-friendly tool that comprehensively examines sustainability themes for urban planners and regional development actors.

  • The ready tool at www.ilmastoviisasalue.fi can be used in regional planning. 

  • The experiment produced information on how proposals for regional planning measures can be visualised and compiled into a service package.


  • The tool will make it possible for low-carbon and circular economy urban planning to be more streamlined.
  • Workshop cards facilitate interactive planning of sustainable areas and the definition of objectives

In collaboration with

  • Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY
  • Ministry of the Environment

Photo: Jenni-Justiina Niemi, HSY