Collaboration partners
The most important collaboration partners in the Sustainable City programme are cities and municipalities. We also engage in cooperation with other ministries, city networks, companies and research organisations, and other actors involved in urban development. So far about 85 municipalities and 70 other organisations have been involved in the programme.
In 2018-2019 the process to prepare the programme was supported and the early phase of its implementation monitored by a working group with representatives from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The steering group appointed for the programme in spring 2021is composed of representatives from other ministries and municipalities. The steering group guides the Sustainable Cities programme, targets the development of the cooperation between the State and municipalities, supports the implementation of the programme by identifying and strengthening the connections to other work on sustainable urban development, and contributes to the communication and wider utilisation of the results.
Does your work involve tackling the challenges of sustainable development? Would you like to network and collaborate with others working towards the same goals? Contact us!