- Low-carbon cities
- Socially sustainable cities
- Healthy cities
- pilots for inclusive and interactive sustainability work
Sustainable inclusion in Lahti

Lahti was the European Green Capital 2021, and one of the four main themes of the theme year is inclusion. Lahti already does versatile inclusion work, but overall management of inclusion requires new tools. The project will continue and strengthen the inclusion work launched during the theme year and create and pilot an operating model for interactive sustainability work.
The project will test the Skididialogi method, a dialogical method adapted for children and young people from the Timeout dialogue model, from the perspective of the circular economy. It will also build its own mode of operation for regional partnership tables, focusing on interactive sustainability work. During the project, the methods and objectives of inclusion applied by Lahti will be compiled into an inclusion map, and a workbook describing the inclusion model will be prepared. Other municipalities may utilise the inclusion map and workbook either in part or in full. The model can be scaled for the needs of both smaller and larger municipalities.
In collaboration with
- City of Lahti
Photo: Mikko Vähäniitty / YM:n kuvapankki