• Low-carbon cities
  • Smart cities
  • Socially sustainable cities
  • Healthy cities
  • scaling up good practices

Levers for a sustainable city (VIPU)

Skaalauksen alalajit: 1 Vahvistaminen eli paikallinen lisäarvo, 2 levittäminen eli toimivuus toisaalla, 3 valtavirtaistaminen eli muutos rakenteiden kautta

The project developed an operating model to support the scaling of good practices in sustainable urban development.


  • The project ‘Levers for a Sustainable City’ (VIPU) developed new methods for scaling and tested how the means that have proven good can be turned into concrete actions in the municipalities.
  • The project also produced a set of criteria for identifying a good practice for sustainable urban development:
    • A good practice must have an impact on more than one dimension of sustainable development. The solution must find demand in the municipalities, the outcomes must be such that they can be proven, and the needs of different stakeholders must be taken into account at the different stages of the process. In order to be truly put to practice, the solutions must also be carefully documented. 

In collaboration with

  • Demos Helsinki
  • FCG
  • Tyrsky-Konsultointi

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