- Low-carbon cities
- Smart cities
- Socially sustainable cities
- Healthy cities
- pilots for inclusive and interactive sustainability work
KELI – Promoting more sustainable mobility with the help of a carbon footprint calculator

In the KELI (Promoting more sustainable mobility with the help of a carbon footprint calculator) project, the carbon footprint calculator is used to study how messages alerting to health impacts steer mobility behaviour.
Reducing emissions from mobility is a significant challenge in achieving climate targets. Carbon footprint calculators help by steering people to change their behaviour. The City of Tampere has developed and published a free carbon footprint calculator for mobility in its city application. The project produces research information on how residents can be encouraged to use sustainable means of mobility. In the project, we activate residents to move more sustainably and participate in the implementation of the city's climate targets, implement the city's strategy and develop the technical implementation of the calculator using open source code.
In collaboration woth
- City of Tampere
- University of Helsinki
- Institute of economic research VATT
- Geniem Oy
- Kausal Oy
Photo: Laura Vanzo, Visit Tampere