• Socially sustainable cities
  • Healthy cities
  • pilots for social sustainability

Hyvät eväät

Lautasellinen ruokaa puistoruokailussa

The aim of the experiment was to find new ways to support regional inclusion and reduce inequalities. The experiment involved providing lunches for families with children at three park sites, for which there was an increased need due to the corona crisis.

This was combined with the family centre's implementing a model where they go to families support them. The project also provided summer jobs for ten young people.


  • The experiment demonstrated how employment targets can be combined with other targets.
  • Young people's job search skills improved.
  • The experiment taught us that families with children need to meet with family centre actors during park meals.
  • Informal information channels were found to be effective means for reaching the target group.
  • The food waste of companies donating food decreased.


  • The lessons learned in the experiment can be utilised in the planning of services.
  • The experiment may serve as the foundation for planning cross-administrative cooperation with different actors.
  • The model can be duplicated, and it can also be scaled into a larger scale, using the project as an example of combining diverse objectives.

In collaboration with

  • City of Hämeenlinna
  • Vocational College Tavastia, Southern Häme Martat ry,  Hämeenlinna City Employment Services, Hämeenlinna Region 4H,  Hämeenlinna Uppis Family Centre, Hämeen Kylät ry, 
    Hämeen Setlementti ry, Kalvola parish and MLL  Kalvolan yhdistys
  • Ministry of the Environment